School to School Support
We offer a range of activities and facilitate peer visits across and beyond our partner schools.
Individual Support
This consists of: Individual Interview Preparation, Mentoring, Coaching. Please approach us to access these services.
Sixth Form Reviews
An opportunity for your Sixth Form to receive support in strengthening its weaker areas and enhancing best performing ones. Quality assured assessors visit schools on
request to help plan a programme of progress.
Safeguarding Reviews
We offer Safeguarding Reviews to all schools in the alliance. We are able to offer a safeguarding Reviewer who is able to carry out reviews as outlined by the DofE. For more information please email info@harrowcollegiate.co.uk
Pupil Premium Reviews
We have a trained Pupil Premium Reviewer who is able to carry out reviews as outlined by the DfE.
School to School Reviews
School to School reviews typically occur over one day with a focus on a department/subject/theme. This could include Safeguarding Reviews and Pupil Premium Reviews. Two colleagues, quality assured from HCA schools, join a lead colleague within a school to conduct a review and evaluation.
School Improvement Days
One free day for any aspect of school improvement, safeguarding, attendance. All aspects can be discussed ahead of the day.
For more information please complete our enquiry form.
HCA Groups
- Curriculum Group
- Inclusion
- Cultural Diversity and Safeguarding
- Heads of 6th Group
- Governance Steering Group
- DSL Group
- Pastoral DHT Group
The mock interview day was great, we were not in “competition with each other”, we could talk through the tasks. The hospitality was great on this day too! It has been a great way to network
It was good to be able to connect with people from other schools and gain a deeper understanding of pastoral management across the borough
Brilliant, so useful and realistic, honest feedback. Helpful for professional development; good range of activities and topics/ themes covered